Measurement Methods of Regional Specialization in Agricultural Land Use
DOI: 10.12677/GSER.2016.52010, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,265  浏览: 7,183  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 王微恒, 朱会义:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,陆地表层格局与模拟院重点实验室,北京
关键词: 农地利用专业化测度方法空间指标结构指标双向指标Agricultural Land Use Regional Specialization Measurement Methods Space Indices Structure Indices Duality Indices
摘要: 农地利用专业化是农业现代化的一个重要标志。提高农地利用专业化水平,充分发挥区域比较优势,不仅有利于实现规模效益和集聚效益,还有利于促进技术进步,提高资源利用效率,因而成为增强地区农业竞争力的有效路径。尽管学术界对专业化及地域分工问题的关注由来已久,但相关研究主要集中于工业领域,甚少涉及农业,特别是农地利用的专业化。由于农地利用专业化的过程、机制、效应研究离不开专业化水平的定量测度,而目前又没有权威的测度方法,因此,本文通过梳理专业化方面的主要研究成果,分析总结各种专业化的测度指标,归纳并评述了可用于测度农地利用专业化的三类指标,包括空间指标、结构指标以及同时考虑空间和结构两方面的双向指标,以期为农地利用专业化的深化研究提供方法论基础和依据。
Abstract: Regional specialization is a significant sign of agricultural modernization. Improving regional spe-cialization of agricultural land use and taking regional comparative advantages is not only beneficial to gain scale benefits and agglomeration effects, but also can promote technological progress and improve the efficiency of resource utilization. Consequently, it has become one of the most effective approaches to increase the competitiveness of regional agriculture. Although much attention has been paid to specialization including regional specialization, current studies mainly focus on industry field rather than agriculture, and there are few reports on specialization of agricultural land use. As the measurement is fundamental to research of regional specialization, this paper reviews the measurement indicators of regional specialization that could be applied in agricultural land use. These indicators are summarized in three types: space indices, structure indices, and duality indices. Each method is introduced in detail and commented on. Meanwhile, their advantages and disadvantages are pointed out to help the researchers to select the index properly. The results can provide methodological foundation for further research on regional specialization of agricultural land use.
文章引用:王微恒, 朱会义. 农地利用专业化的测度方法[J]. 地理科学研究, 2016, 5(2): 80-91. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/GSER.2016.52010


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