An Empirical Research on the Political Behaviors and Its Influencing Factors of the New Generation Migrant Workers
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.62018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,069  浏览: 4,939  科研立项经费支持
作者: 郑剑虹, 王嘉旖, 方 云:岭南师范学院心理学系暨心理传记学与生命叙事研究所,广东 湛江
关键词: 新生代农民工政治行为方式问卷调查影响因素The New Generation Migrant Workers Political Behaviors Survey Influencing Factors
摘要: 通过对在3省11个城市工作的847名新生代农民工的政治行为方式进行调查,考察新生代农民工的政治行为方式特点及其影响因素。研究结果显示:新生代农民工的政治行为表现普遍消极,在政治表达、政治维权、政治选举上参与度低;文化程度、政治面貌和月收入对新生代农民工的政治行为方式有显著影响,在城市工作时间越长的新生代农民工,其参与政治选举的积极性越高;女性参与政治选举的比例显著低于男性。
Abstract: We surveyed a total of 847 new generation migrant workers (NGMW) from 11 cities spanning 3 provinces, and examined their political behaviors and its influencing factors. The results showed the negativity on the political behaviors of the new generation migrant workers, manifesting low level in the dimensions of political expression, protection of political rights, and participation in political election. Education degree, political affiliation, and monthly income were significant pre-dictors of the new generation migrant workers’ political behaviors. Duration of living in a city and gender also played a role in the variance of the political behaviors of the new generation migrant workers: longer duration increases participation in political election and females show lower level of participation than males.
文章引用:郑剑虹, 王嘉旖, 方云 (2016). 新生代农民工的政治行为方式及其影响因素的实证研究. 心理学进展, 6(2), 143-150. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.62018


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