Experimental Research on Rapid Propagation and Domestication of Wild Bletilla Seedling
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2016.51006, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,134  浏览: 6,868  科研立项经费支持
作者: 徐森富, 陈海锋, 陈依桃:台州科技职业学院,浙江 台州
关键词: 野生白芨组织培养增殖驯化Wild Bletilla Tissue Culture Proliferation Domestication
摘要: 对野生白芨进行组培快繁研究,结果表明:1) MS + 2.5 mg∙L−16-BA + 0.2 mg∙L−1 NAA诱导效果最好,诱导率可达98%;2) MS + 2.5 mg∙L−1 IAA + 2.5 mg∙L−16-BA + 2.0 mg∙L−1 NAA诱导增殖的效果最好,培养40 d后增殖率可达3.8倍;3) 1/2 MS + 0.01 mg∙L−1 NAA +0.01 mg∙L−1 IAA有利于生根,且植株长势健壮。炼苗基质以60%腐叶土 + 30%珍珠岩 + 10%蛭石为佳;炼苗温度23℃~28℃,空气相对湿度80%~90%有利于提高炼苗成活率。
Abstract: Tissue culture and rapid propagation research was done on wild bletilla. The results showed that: 1) MS + 2.5 mg∙L−16-BA + 0.2 mg∙L−1 NAA has the best induced effect, whose induction rate can reach 98%; 2) MS + IAA 2.5 mg∙L−1 + 2.5 mg∙L−16-BA +2.0 mg∙L−1 NAA has the best effect of induced proliferation, whose proliferation rate can be up to 3.8 times after 40 d culture; 3) 1/2 MS + 0.01 mg∙L−1 NAA + 0.01 mg∙L−1 IAA is conducive to take root and plants grow strong. The best rotten leaves seedling substrate consists of 60% leaf mold + 30% perlite + 10% vermiculite. The seedling survival rate can be improved in temperature of 23˚C - 28˚C and air relative humidity of 80% - 90%.
文章引用:徐森富, 陈海锋, 陈依桃. 野生白芨种苗快繁与驯化试验研究[J]. 植物学研究, 2016, 5(1): 34-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BR.2016.51006


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