The Component of N170 in Visual Cognition
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.512099, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,520  浏览: 8,067 
作者: 梁 欣, 王权红:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: N170视觉认知人脸识别字词识别专家化理论N170 Visual Cognition Face Recognition Word Recognition Visual Expertise Theory
摘要: N170是一个能够反映人脸或者字词等专家化刺激加工过程的事件相关电位,通常在刺激呈现后170 ms左右出现。目前关于N170的研究主要集中在人脸识别或者字词识别。发现对人脸和字词等专家化刺激具有敏感性。研究者们尝试用专家化理论去解释N170效应。N170还表现出偏侧化的特点。N170的研究范式繁多,可以从不同角度探讨N170成分。
Abstract: N170 is a component of the event-related potential that reflects the processing of visual expertise stimulus such as faces and words, which shows increased negativity within 170 ms after stimulus presentation. The N170 is sensitive to visual expertise stimulus. Researchers are trying to explain the N170 effect with Visual Expertise Theory. The N170 also displays hemisphere lateralization. So far there are many research paradigms about N170, and these paradigms would provide different ways to explore the essence of N170 component.
文章引用:梁欣, 王权红 (2015). 视觉认知中的N170成分. 心理学进展, 5(12), 762-769. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.512099


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