Orientation Preferences Effect in the Flanker Task
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.511092, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,022  浏览: 6,954 
作者: 彭申立, 张 潇:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: Flanker认知冲突刺激特征朝向偏好Flanker Cognitive Conflict Stimulus Features Orientation Preference
摘要: 采用经典的箭头Flanker任务考察刺激特征对于认知冲突任务成绩的影响.对实验数据进行多次重复测量方差分析与简单效应分析,结果表明:1) Flanker效应显著(p < 0.001);2) 靶刺激朝右时,认知冲突成绩显著好于朝左时(p < 0.001);3) 四种条件下的认知冲突成绩差异显著(ps < 0.001),表现为RT (rrrrr)显著优于RT (lllll)显著优于RT (llrll)显著优于RT (rrlrr)。本研究发现Flanker任务中存在基于刺激特征的朝向偏好效应:当靶刺激为朝右的箭头时,反应时显著更快。进一步的研究将探索这种朝向偏好脑神经机制,及可能具备的进化学意义。
Abstract: This study explored the effects of target stimulus orientation, and consistency on orientation be-tween target and distraction stimulus on individuals’ cognitive conflict performance through an arrow Flanker task. Repeated ANOVA and simple effect analysis on the RTs data show that: 1) when orientation of target and distraction stimulus is consistent, performance is significantly better than inconsistent condition (F(1,43) = 505.250, p < 0.001), referring to a Flanker effect; 2) when target stimulus is right-oriented, performance is significantly better than that when left- oriented (F(1,43) = 19.515, p < 0.001); 3) performances on the four different conditions are significantly differentiated to each other: RT (rrrrr) < RT (lllll)< RT (llrll)< RT (rrlrr). The present study found an orientation preference effect in Flanker task; that is to say, right-oriented stimuli induce a significantly faster response than left-oriented stimuli. Further researches will focus on exploring the underlying brain mechanism of this orientation preference, and its potential evolutionary sense.
文章引用:彭申立, 张潇 (2015). Flanker任务中的朝向偏好效应. 心理学进展, 5(11), 709-715. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.511092


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