An Investigation of Chinese People’s Cognition and Attitude toward Postdisaster Psychological Crisis Intervention—Based on Shandong and Sichuan Province
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2015.43018, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,593  浏览: 12,240  国家科技经费支持
作者: 周俊丽:山东师范大学心理学院,山东 济南;华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院,上海;王鹏*, 代红, 范宜平:山东师范大学心理学院,山东 济南
关键词: 灾后心理危机干预认知态度调研Postdisaster Psychological Crisis Intervention Cognition Attitude Investigation
摘要: 近年来中国自然灾害频发,这些灾害不仅造成巨大的经济损失,而且往往给灾民造成不可愈合的心理创伤,这需要及时对灾民进行有效心理危机干预。本研究通过对四川省和山东省的1195位中国民众进行问卷调查,了解不同层次的民众对灾后心理危机干预认知和态度的现状及其影响因素。结果发现:中国民众对灾后心理危机干预的认知水平较低,亟待提高;中国民众对灾后心理危机干预的态度较为积极正向,希望今后的心理危机干预工作更好发展;不同学历、不同居住地、不同省份、不同危机经历次数的中国民众对灾后心理危机干预认知和态度存在显著差异,这表明学历、居住地、省份和经历危机次数是影响中国民众对灾后心理危机干预认知和态度的因素。本研究为我国现存的心理危机干预工作的改进提供了实践依据,有助于有针对性地开展灾后心理危机干预的科普宣传工作,增强民众对灾后心理危机干预的客观认识;帮助政府完善灾后心理危机干预机制,提升灾后心理危机干预的质量。
Abstract: In recent years, big natural disasters occur frequently in China, and these disasters not only cause great economic loss, but also lead to people’s serious psychologyical trauma. To recognize the current situation and influence factors of Chinese people’s cognition and attitude toward postdisaster psychological crisis intervention, the questionnaires are administered to 1195 people from Shandong and Sichuan province. The results show: 1) The Chinese people’s cognition status of postdisaster psychological crisis intervention is rather passive, which is urgent to be improved; 2) Chinese people’s attitude toward postdisaster psychological crisis intervention are positive, and people hope the mechanism of post-disaster psychological crisis intervention could develop better; 3) The Chinese people’s cognition and attitude toward postdisaster psychological crisis intervention differ in education background, residence, province and experiences of crisis, and it indicates those factors influence people’s cognition and attitude towards post-disaster psychological crisis intervention. This study can provide a practical basis for improving our existing psychological crisis intervention, contribute to carrying out a targeted postdisaster psychological crisis intervention of popular science propaganda work, strengthen the objectivity understanding of postdisaster psychological crisis intervention of people, and help the government improve the postdisaster psychological crisis intervention mechanism and the quality of postdisaster psychological crisis intervention.
文章引用:周俊丽, 王鹏, 代红, 范宜平. 中国民众对灾后心理危机干预的认知与态度的调研—以山东和四川为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2015, 4(3): 113-123.


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