A Introduction on Research Methods of Children’s Executive Function
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.58063, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,058  浏览: 12,203 
作者: 李 泉:西南大学心理学部,重庆;杨春潇:西南大学心理学部,心理健康教育研究中心,重庆
关键词: 儿童执行功能研究方法介绍Children Executive Function Research Methods Introduction
摘要: 儿童执行功能的研究一直受到国内外研究者的关注,目前在发展心理学中所用到的研究方法也很多,但并不是所有的方法都适用于儿童。因此,本文根据儿童发展的心理特点分冷热执行功能就儿童的执行功能的研究方法进行介绍。通过这些方法的介绍来帮助更多的研究者对儿童执行功能的发展有个更清晰的认识。同时,也为儿童执行功能的发展提供理论和实践参考。
Abstract: Children’s executive function research has attracted researchers’ attention both at home and abroad. The methods have been used in developmental psychology so much, but not all of the me-thods are suitable for children. Therefore, this article is based on the psychological characteristics of child development points on the children’s cool and hot executive function. The introduction of these methods can help more and more researchers to understand the development of children’s executive function clearly. At the same time, it can also provide theoretical and practical reference for children’s executive function.
文章引用:李泉, 杨春潇 (2015). 儿童执行功能研究方法评述. 心理学进展, 5(8), 487-493. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.58063


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