Research on the Characteristics of College Students’ Social Comparison
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.58060, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,489  浏览: 8,383 
作者: 杨春潇:西南大学心理学部,心理健康教育研究中心,重庆;李 泉:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 大学生社会比较社会比较特点调查分析College Students Social Comparison Characteristics of Social Comparison Investigation
摘要: 社会比较是指个体把自己与具有类似情境的人比较,进而作出评估的过程。本研究采用社会比较特点问卷对204名大学生进行现状调查。结果表明,1) 大学生被试的社会比较特点从总体上看属于中间状态,且相对积极;2) 大学生被试社会比较特点中的参照性、易比性和突出性在年级上存在显著差异,大四被试的参照性显著低于其他三个年级,大四的易比性平均分显著低于大一和大二;大一的突出性平均分高于大三和大四;3) 大学生被试的社会比较特点各因子及总均分不存在性别差异;4) 不同生源地的大学生被试的社会比较特点各因子及总均分均无显著性差异,即大学生社会比较不受其生源地因素的影响。
Abstract: Social comparison refers to a process that individuals compare themselves with others at the sim-ilar situations, and then make assessment. In present study, 204 college students were investigated using the Characteristics of College Students’ Social Comparison Questionnaire. The results showed that: 1) the social comparison of the whole objects is in the middle state, and relatively positive; 2) the reference, comparison disposition, and prominence in the process of the social comparison have significant difference in grades. The seniors’ average scores on the reference are much lower than the other three grades; as to the comparison disposition, the seniors’ average scores are lower than the freshmen and sophomore significantly; about the prominence, the freshmen have higher average scores than juniors and seniors differently; 3) there is no significantly difference on gender during the process of subjects’ social comparison; 4) the students from rural areas have no great difference with the ones from city on the six dimensions and the whole condition of the social comparison processing, meaning that college students’ social comparison is not influenced by the places that students come from.
文章引用:杨春潇, 李泉 (2015). 大学生社会比较特点现状调查分析. 心理学进展, 5(8), 464-470. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.58060


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