A Literature Review on Respondent Uncertainty in Stated Preference Studies
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2015.53006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,813  浏览: 13,011  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 王 佳:苏州工业职业技术学院,江苏 苏州;葛姣菊:哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,广东 深圳
关键词: 陈述偏好不确定性支付意愿假设误差Stated Preference Uncertainty Willingness to Pay Hypothesis Bias
摘要: 陈述偏好法是调查消费者需求的重要手段,但是这种方法由于存在受访者不确定性可能会导致假设误差,有效地处理受访者的偏好不确定性能提高估值效率,目前这个问题尚未引起国内学者的注意。因此本文对陈述偏好法中的受访者不确定性展开系统地综述和评价,分别从产生受访者不确定性的原因、受访者不确定性的测量手段和处理方法三个方面进行梳理总结,指出现有研究的不足之处和未来研究方向及趋势。
Abstract: Stated preference methods are the main tool for economic valuation of non-market goods and services. However, empirical evidence demonstrates that respondents are often uncertain when answering valuation questions. Respondent uncertainty is often considered as one of the main li-mitations of stated preferences methods, which has received far less attention in Chinese academe. Through a systematic review of the literature, this paper introduces the research achievement of respondent uncertainty in stated preference studies from the angles of causes, measuring methods and treatments. Finally, it points out the directions in future research.
文章引用:王佳, 葛姣菊. 陈述性偏好法中受访者不确定性的研究综述[J]. 现代市场营销, 2015, 5(3): 41-47. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2015.53006


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