“Paint” Zen from Poetry: On Philip Whalen’s Visual Poetry
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2015.32008, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,127  浏览: 11,705 
作者: 盛 钰:浙江师范大学外国语学院,浙江 金华
关键词: 菲利普•沃伦视觉诗绘画禅宗Philip Whalen Visual Poetry Painting Zen
摘要: 20世纪美国禅宗诗人菲利普•沃伦(Philip Whalen, 1923~2002)十分注重诗歌的视觉美感,他的诗歌从一个全新的角度,将绘画之美与禅宗意韵相结合,激发读者的想象,为世人营造出奇幻美妙的诗意空间,独具东方禅宗审美情怀。通过阅读沃伦的诗集,本文作者尝试勾勒出视觉行为浮显在沃伦的作品中的两种主要方式:“绘画视觉诗”和“语义形式视觉诗”,分别列举分析它们的特点和表现手法,借此挖掘出这位禅宗诗人的独到之处以及他对现代诗歌的创新和发展产生的重要影响。
Abstract: Philip Whalen (1923-2002), a major voice of American Zen Buddhist poets, claims his poetry to be “a graph of mind moving”. In the producing of his works, Whalen paid great attention to the visual aestheticism, which possesses individual and social dimensions with both literary and spiritual brilliance. Whalen’s poems, which are full of oriental aroma, compromised the beauty of Zen and painting. Through reading and analyzing of the whole collection of his poems, this thesis mainly explores Philip Whalen’s Buddhist poetry as well as his poetics from the following two aspects: the painting visual poetry and the semantic iconic poetry, in the hope of revealing Philip Whalen’s unique Zen poetic thoughts and the great influences he has made on the development of American modernistic poetry.
文章引用:盛钰. 诗歌“画”禅——论菲利普•沃伦的视觉诗[J]. 世界文学研究, 2015, 3(2): 43-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2015.32008


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