Effects of Fertilization on Lead Uptake and Accumulation in Oenanthe stolonifera
DOI: 10.12677/IJE.2015.42004, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,451  浏览: 8,313  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 朴明浩, 瞿 鹏, 刘建国:常州大学,环境与安全工程学院,江苏 常州;徐加宽, 詹国勤:常州市园艺技术推广站,江苏 常州
关键词: 白芹追肥污染Oenanthe stolonifera D.C. Lead (Pb) Fertilization Pollution
摘要: 为研究不同追肥对白芹吸收积累铅的影响及探索白芹铅污染原因及控制技术,本文在白芹核心产地选择三个试验区设置了追肥试验,并对土壤、灌溉水、肥料和白芹产品进行了取样测定。样品测定结果表明,三个试验区都存在白芹样品及灌溉水样品铅含量超标情况,在二个试验区存在土壤样品铅含量超标情况,白芹铅含量超标与灌溉水铅含量高度相关,与土壤铅含量有一定关系,但与肥料中铅含量的关系不明显。白芹铅含量超标的主要来源是灌溉水中的铅,另一个来源可能是土壤中的铅。追肥研究表明,追施磷酸二铵能大幅度降低白芹铅含量,对白芹产量没有显著影响。因此,在白芹生产中,应降低灌溉水的铅浓度或选用更清洁的水源,选用磷酸二铵作为追肥品种。
Abstract: In order to study the effects of different fertilizations on the accumulation of lead (Pb) in Oenanthe stolonifera D.C., and to investigate the pollution sources of Pb in Oenanthe stolonifera and the pre-venting technologies, three sampling areas were selected in the production region. In the areas, the soils, irrigation water, fertilizers and Oenanthe stolonifera plants were sampled to test Pb concentrations. The results showed that Pb concentrations exceeded the maximum allowable concentrations (MAC, according to the Chinese Standards) in some Oenanthe stolonifera and irri-gation water samples in three areas, and in some soil samples in two areas. Pb accumulations in Oenanthe stolonifera samples were related highly to Pb concentrations of irrigation water samples, and somewhat with Pb concentrations of soil samples, but had no evident relation with Pb con-centrations of the fertilizers. Therefore, the Pb in irrigation water was the main source of Pb pol-lution in Oenanthe stolonifera, and the Pb in soils might be another pollution source. Application of the fertilizer diammonium phosphate reduced Pb concentration of Oenanthe stolonifera greatly, and had no significant influence on the yield of Oenanthe stolonifera. It can be concluded that Pb concentration in the irrigation water should be reduced, in the production of Oenanthe stolonifera, or the cleaner irrigation water ought to be selected. Diammonium phosphate is the suitable ferti-lizer.
文章引用:朴明浩, 瞿鹏, 徐加宽, 詹国勤, 刘建国. 追肥对白芹吸收积累铅的影响[J]. 世界生态学, 2015, 4(2): 23-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/IJE.2015.42004


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