Design of Velocimetry System Base on Laser Doppler Effect
DOI: 10.12677/OE.2015.52003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,765  浏览: 9,615  国家科技经费支持
作者: 谭穗妍, 徐初东:华南农业大学电子工程学院,广东 广州
关键词: 激光多普勒效应测速系统迈克尔逊干涉差频法Laser Doppler Effect Velocimetry System Michelson Interferometer Frequency Difference Method
摘要: 利用分立光学元件在光学平台上搭建迈克尔逊干涉光路,本文设计并实现基于激光多普勒效应的测速系统。系统通过增加减速电机实现运动载体,不需对现有实验教学仪器进行改装,结构简单使用方便,制作难度小,系统成本低,利用Matlab2010软件开发测量系统的应用软件界面友好,操作简易。学生动手搭建光路和测量系统,可加深对激光多普勒效应原理及其应用的理解,有利于开展综合性或设计性实验,扩充本科光学相关专业实验教学内容。系统较好地实现了测速的功能,平均误差为2.38%,误差在5%以内。
Abstract: A velocimetry system based on laser Doppler Effect is designed. The system works through building Michelson interferometer with discrete optical elements. The movable object of system is imple-mented by gear motor and doesn’t need to change the structure of experiment equipment; there-fore, the system is simple, convenient and low cost. Building the Michelson interferometer and measurement system by students themselves not only deepens students’ understanding of Doppler Effect and its application, but also it is good for developing comprehensive and designed expe-riment, which can extend optic specialty undergraduate course experiment teaching content. Function of the velocimetry system is successfully achieved, and average error is 2.38%; errors are lower 5%.
文章引用:谭穗妍, 徐初东. 基于激光多普勒效应测速系统的设计[J]. 光电子, 2015, 5(2): 13-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OE.2015.52003


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