Research on Innovative Instruction Mode of Delivery Work Practice Based on Systematic Work Process Concept
DOI: 10.12677/VE.2015.42003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,926  浏览: 4,465  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘春娣*:上海市高级技工学校,上海
关键词: 中职配送作业实务教学模式教学方法Secondary Vocational Technical Schools Delivery Work Practice Instruction Mode Teaching Method
摘要: 文章基于工作过程系统化的理念首先提出了《配送作业实务》的教学目标,《配送作业实务》是中职物流服务与管理专业的核心课程。然后,文章以职业岗位为导向,确定了《配送作业实务》选取的课程教学内容和丰富的教学教法,比如:任务驱动教学法、案例教学法、角色扮演教学法、分组讨论教学法等,最终,文章从两个方面提出了创新的教学模式。
Abstract: This article firstly points out the instruction objective of delivery work practice based on syste-matic work process concept. Delivery work practice is the core course in logistic service and management major in secondary vocational technical schools. Then, it shows the selected teaching content based on vocational position and the rich pedagogy for example, tasks motivation, case study, role playing, group work and so on. Finally, this article tells innovative instruction mode from two aspects.
文章引用:刘春娣. 基于工作过程系统化的中职《配送作业实务》教学模式创新研究[J]. 职业教育, 2015, 4(2): 9-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/VE.2015.42003