Course Reform in Education of Construction Engineering Survey
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2015.32005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,380  浏览: 6,724  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李沛鸿, 刘陶胜, 徐昌荣:江西理工大学建筑与测绘工程学院,江西 赣州
关键词: 教学方法改革测绘学科发展动态课堂组织教学管理Teaching Reform Dynamic Development of Surveying and Mapping Science Course Organization Teaching Management
摘要: “建筑工程测量”是多个非测绘专业的必修课程,相关的测绘知识在学生今后实际工作中扮演着重要角色,为了使课程教学更能调动学生学习积极性,使课程内容更好与实际工作要求吻合,教师应抓好教学中课程内容更新、合理组织教学、重视实践教学及综合成绩评定等四个重要环节,有效提升教学效果。
Abstract: The course of engineering surveying is a compulsory course in non-mapping specialty’s curriculum cultivation structure; its knowledge plays an important role in students’ future actual work. In order to encourage the students’ interest in learning and promote teaching effect, it is advised that the subject professors should pay attention to four aspects: firstly, updating timely the course content, consistent with the development of new theory and new technology; secondly, carefully organizing the classroom teaching to improve students’ learning effects; thirdly, strengthening the practical teaching sectors to improve the teaching quality; finally, taking a comprehensive per-formance evaluation by principles of impartiality, fairness and objectiveness.
文章引用:李沛鸿, 刘陶胜, 徐昌荣. 浅谈“建筑工程测量”课程的教学改革[J]. 创新教育研究, 2015, 3(2): 28-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CES.2015.32005