The Discussion of Reducing Benzoic Acid Gases Unorganized Emission in the Unsaturated Polyester Resin (UPR) Production
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2015.52005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,592  浏览: 10,019 
作者: 冯 澜, 徐伟达, 陈晓彬:永悦科技股份有限公司,福建 泉州
关键词: 苯甲酸无组织排放环境保护Benzoic Acid Unorganized Emission Environmental Protection
摘要: 当前化学工业的环保问题日益受到关注。在不饱和聚酯树脂(UPR)生产过程中,使用苯甲酸原料时常有较强刺激性气味逸出,引起环境污染、人体不适。本文讨论如何采取相应的工艺技术、管理措施,分别从采购、装卸、储运和使用各个环节层层把关,通过精细化管理,不断改进和完善,以减少苯甲酸无组织排放对环境和人体的不良影响。
Abstract: There is growing concern about the problem of environmental protection of the chemical industry. When benzoic acid is used as raw material to produce unsaturated polyester resin (UPR), the es-cape of benzoic acid gas can cause environmental pollution and human health problem because of its strong pungent smell. According to this problem, the paper will discuss how to adopt the tech-nical process control and fine management. That is, each link including purchase, loading, storage and transportation will be controlled to reduce the infection of benzoic acid gases unorganized emission on environment and human health.
文章引用:冯澜, 徐伟达, 陈晓彬. 减少不饱和聚酯树脂(UPR)生产中苯甲酸气体无组织排放的探讨[J]. 可持续发展, 2015, 5(2): 29-34. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2015.52005


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