Cognitive Factors of Middle Students with Test Anxiety and the Anxiety Resources
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.53020, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,767  浏览: 15,249 
作者: 陈思瑶, 汤永隆, 唐金玉, 文 锶:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 考试焦虑认知因素焦虑来源Test Anxiety Cognitive Factors Anxiety Sources
摘要: 目的:旨在探讨影响初三学生考试焦虑的认知因素及其考试焦虑的主要来源。方法:采用自编的考试焦虑量表对810名初三学生进行了问卷调查。结果:1) 在易引发焦虑的6个认知因素中,中考考生在“对责任的评估”、“对后果的评估”以及“对考试本身的认识”这三个方面出现的问题较大,而“对能力的评估”对焦虑症状的影响最大(β = 0.17);2) 在焦虑来源方面,对中考考生而言压力更多的来自于父母,而“来自学校及老师的压力(β = 0.25)”以及“来自同学的压力(β = 0.27)”这两个焦虑来源与中考考生的焦虑症状有更密切的联系。结论:考试焦虑的能力认知模型基本拟合,该模型对理论和实践具有重要意义。
Abstract: Objective: This study tried to investigate the cognitive factors and sources of test anxiety. Methods: We established a test anxiety inventory, and then used it and the “Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS)” inventory to measure students’ perception of test anxiety in a sample of 810 middle school students. Results: 1) The findings indicate that in the six cognitive factors leading to test anxiety, students have more problems in “responsibility assess”, “consequence assess”, and “event assess”, and the influence of “self-efficacy” on test anxiety is the largest (β = 0.17); 2) Additionally, for grade 3 students, their anxieties much more stem from their parents; in fact, the stress from school and teachers (β = 0.25) as well as the stress from classmates (β = 0.27) are the most strongly related to test anxiety. Conclusion: The cognitive model of test anxiety provided a good fit to the data. This model has great significance in the theory research and practice of test anxiety.
文章引用:陈思瑶, 汤永隆, 唐金玉, 文锶 (2015). 中考考试焦虑的认知因素和焦虑来源. 心理学进展, 5(3), 142-150. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.53020


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