Investigation of Current Situation of Popularization of Academic Norms in Colleges and Universities
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2015.31003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,669  浏览: 9,131 
作者: 贺 卫, 刘冠民:东华大学旭日工商管理学院,上海
关键词: 高校师生学术规范问卷调查Teachers and Students in Colleges and Universities Academic Norms Questionnaire
摘要: 本文是全国教育科学“十二五”规划2012年度“高校学术诚信体系建设研究”课题的成果之一。我们通过互联网进行问卷调查,得到了我国高校师生对教育部学术规范指南了解情况的第一手资料。总体看来情况堪忧,因此我们向教育主管部门建议面向高校师生全面开展学术规范知识普及教育,以改善高校的学术诚信问题。
Abstract: This article is one of the outcomes of the subject about Research on Construction of Integrity System in Colleges and Universities of the National Education Science (2012) in the 12th Five-year Plan. Through the online questionnaire, we got the firsthand information of teachers and students in colleges and universities understanding of academic norms guidelines published by the Minis- try of Education. The overall situation is grim, thus we suggest that administrative department in charge of education should popularize the knowledge of academic norms to teachers and students in colleges and universities in order to reduce academic dishonesty in colleges and universities.
文章引用:贺卫, 刘冠民. 高校学术规范知识普及情况调查[J]. 创新教育研究, 2015, 3(1): 14-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CES.2015.31003