A Quantitative Method Assessing Comprehensive Loss Reduction Capacity of Distribution Network
DOI: 10.12677/TDET.2014.34011, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,514  浏览: 7,065 
作者: 刘 伟, 余加喜, 童炳璋:海南省电网有限责任公司,海口;刘彬和, 刘青昆:北京水木源华电气股份有限公司,北京;黄昀思, 陈兰兰:华北电力大学,北京
关键词: 配电网综合降损潜力定量评估Distribution Network Comprehensive Loss Reduction Capacity Quantitative Assessing
摘要: 一直以来,配电环节的电能损耗占电力系统总网损的比重最大。因此,有必要对配电网的降损潜力进行评估,以制定适当的降损方案来降低网损。本文建立了一套配电网综合降损潜力定量评估模型。首先对每项配电网降损措施单独进行降损潜力评估,然后通过所建立的综合降损潜力模型计算出配电网的综合降损潜力。基于此模型制定的降损方案具有可靠性高和针对性强等优点。
Abstract: It has always been that the electric energy loss brought by distribution accounts for a significant proportion of network loss in power system. As a consequence, it’s necessary to assess the loss reduction capacity of the distribution network, and to make suitable loss reduction plans. This paper established a model to quantitatively assess the comprehensive loss reduction capacity of distribution network. First, the loss reduction capacity of each loss reduction method was assessed, and then the comprehensive loss reduction capacity of the whole distribution network was achieved by using the model established before. The loss reduction plans based on this model has the advantages of high reliability and pertinence.
文章引用:刘伟, 余加喜, 童炳璋, 刘彬和, 刘青昆, 黄昀思, 陈兰兰. 一种配电网综合降损潜力的定量评估方法[J]. 输配电工程与技术, 2014, 3(4): 77-81. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/TDET.2014.34011