Analysis of Community-Based Sports Management Mechanism Based on Governance Theory
DOI: 10.12677/APS.2014.24008, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,727  浏览: 7,952 
作者: 冯守东, 王浩宇:河南大学体育学院,开封
关键词: 治理理论社区体育管理机制Governance Theory Community-Based Sports Management Mechanism
摘要: 基于公共治理理论的视角审视我国目前社区体育管理机制,发现其存在着诸多问题:1) 组织管理方面:体育组织形式单一,体育治理发育不良,体育管理法制环境不佳;2) 服务管理方面:体育服务管理人才缺乏、体育基础设施供给不足、经费紧缺,体育信息服务亟待完善;3) 文化管理方面:体育活动内容单调,社区居民主动参与意识不强。因此研究认为:应当进一步支持发展体育社区治理,实行民办官助、自营自治的组织管理形式;充分发挥法规政策、资金设施、体育指导等系统要素的协同效应;丰富社区体育多元化服务内容,贯穿“以人为本”的服务宗旨,以其推进社区体育事业健康有序快速的发展。
Abstract: Reviewing the current community-based sports management mechanism based on the perspective of public governance theory, it is found that there are many problems: 1) organizational management: sports organizations form is single; sport governance is not developed well; legal environment of sports management is poor; 2) service management: sports service lacks man-agement personnel; supply of sports infrastructure is insufficient with funding shortages; sports information service needs improvement; 3) cultural management: sports activities are monotonous; community residents are not active to participate. Therefore, the study suggests that: com-munity-based sports should be further supported, which are run by the local with official aid and in the form of self-autonomy; the synergy of regulations and policies, funding facilities, and sports guidance system elements should be maximized; diversified services of community-based sports should be enriched through a “people-oriented” principle, to promote rapid development of community-based sports healthily and orderly.
文章引用:冯守东, 王浩宇. 基于治理理论的社区体育管理机制探析[J]. 体育科学进展, 2014, 2(4): 46-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/APS.2014.24008


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