Concept and Structure of Teachers’ Mental Health Diathesis from the Perspective of Positive Psychology
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.46105, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,720  浏览: 14,610 
作者: 李婷婷, 刘晓明:东北师范大学教育学部心理学系,长春
关键词: 素质教师心理健康素质心理健康积极心理学概念结构Diathesis Teachers’ Mental Health Diathesis Mental Health Positive Psychology Concept Structure
摘要: 教师心理健康素质是心理健康素质研究中与实践紧密联系的一个重要的领域。文章从积极心理学视角探讨了教师心理健康素质的概念,并对教师心理健康素质的结构进行了初步探索,以期为今后的教师心理健康素质问卷编制提供理论分析。
Abstract: Teachers’ mental health diathesis is one of the important areas that closely links to the research and practice of mental health. The article discussed the concept of mental health diathesis of teachers from the perspective of positive psychology, and explored the structure of teachers' mental health diathesis, so as to provide theoretical analysis for teachers’ mental health diathesis questionnaire.
文章引用:李婷婷, 刘晓明 (2014). 积极心理学视角下教师心理健康素质的概念和结构初探. 心理学进展, 4(6), 807-813. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.46105


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