Current Situation of Preventive Management for Unplanned Endotracheal Extubation in ICU
DOI: 10.12677/NS.2014.34018, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,409  浏览: 10,751 
作者: 彭 琳, 赵 越, 韩文军:第二军医大学附属长海医院麻醉科,上海
关键词: ICU气管插管非计划性拔管防范管理ICU Tracheal Intubation UEE Preventive Management
摘要: 文章综述了ICU气管插管患者发生非计划性拔管的原因(包括患者因素、医护因素和其他因素),并提出相应防范策略(包括加强业务培训、建立防范制度、加强护患沟通、规范医护操作、强化日常护理、加强人力配置和及时拔管),旨在为临床规范气管插管患者管理提供参照,提高机械通气治疗的安全性和患者舒适度,从而确保患者生命安全。
Abstract: The causes of unplanned endotracheal extubation in ICU included factors of patients themselves, medical staffs as well as others. According to the reasons, it is necessary to reinforce training, establish prevention strategies, strengthen communication between nurses and patients, standardize clinical operations, improve nursing daily quality, allocate manpower properly and extubate timely to provide clinical references, at the same time, increase the security and comfort in patients with mechanical ventilation and ensure patient safety.
文章引用:彭琳, 赵越, 韩文军. ICU内气管插管患者非计划性拔管的原因分析和干预措施[J]. 护理学, 2014, 3(4): 83-88.


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