屏边大围山自然保护区倭蜂猴(Nycticebus pygmaeus)栖息地植被特征的研究
Study on the Vegetation Types of the Nycticebus pygmaeus Habitats at Daweishan Nature Reserve in Pingbian
DOI: 10.12677/BP.2014.43006, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,278  浏览: 11,117  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 高文荣, 蔡金红, 朱万龙:云南师范大学生命科学学院,昆明
关键词: 倭蜂猴大围山保护区栖息地Nycticebus pygmaeus Daweishan Nature Reserve Habitat
摘要: 2009年2月6日~2月27日、2009年10月1日~10月24日和2010年4月20日~25日采用社区访谈和野外实地调查方法,共研究了10个地区,了解倭蜂猴在屏边大围山保护区及其周边社区的栖息地植被及数量状况。结果表明:取食生境中植被主要以漆树科,蔷薇科和壳斗科植物为主。倭蜂猴分布栖息地植被主要以杜英科,壳斗科和桑科植物为主。此外,倭蜂猴在鸡窝,石头寨,干田,田心,喏咪,火山,马尾冲,独家和碧马邑9个自然村周围存在分布点。其中,通过夜间的样线调查,在独家自然村村有林发现2只倭蜂猴实体。
Abstract: On the basis of community interviews and wild quantity investigation in the night to Nycticebus pygmaeuses, we surveyed the current distribution and quantity situation of N. pygmaeus at the Daweishan Nature Reserves in Pingbian during the following three periods: February 6-27, 2009, October 1-24, 2009 and April 20-25, 2010, and the total 10 areas were study. The results showed that Anacardiaceae, Rosaceae and Fagaceae were dominant families in the feeding habitat. The dominant vegetations were Elaeocarpaceae, Fagaceae and Moraceae which were dominant families in the distribution area. Moreover, the distribution sites and quantity results suggested that the pygmy lorises were mainly distributed in the lower elevation areas, including Jiwo, Shitouzhai, Gantian, Tianxin, Nuomi, Huoshan, Maweichong, Dujia and Bimayi villages. The quantity was rare and only 2 entities were found personally at Dujia village’ forest.
文章引用:高文荣, 蔡金红, 朱万龙. 屏边大围山自然保护区倭蜂猴(Nycticebus pygmaeus)栖息地植被特征的研究[J]. 生物过程, 2014, 4(3): 44-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BP.2014.43006


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