Preliminary Research on Equipment Accessibility of Nuclear Power Plant
DOI: 10.12677/NST.2014.23006, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,269  浏览: 6,323 
作者: 顾培文, 方立凯, 曹克美, 郑利民:上海核工程研究设计院,上海
关键词: 可达性辐射剂量Accessibility Radioactivity
摘要: 当核电厂发生严重事故后,操纵员将根据严重事故管理导则(SAMG)开展事故缓解工作,然而严重事故下的高温、高压和高辐射剂量的环境条件可能导致人员难以进入,给事故的缓解带来一定的不确定性。本文以AP1000核电厂为例,考虑高辐射剂量引起的可达性问题,初步探索了严重事故下设备可达性对于缓解策略执行的影响研究,结果表明:大多数的事故缓解操作都能在主控室内完成,即使在少数人员必须就地操作的情况下,仍有时间完成事故缓解动作,预计高辐射剂量引起的可达性问题不会对事故的缓解造成重大影响。
Abstract: In a postulated severe accident, operators will conduct the accident mitigation management under the indication of SAMG. The harsh conditions induced by severe accidents such as extreme temperature, high pressure and high radioactivity may limit the personnel accessibility and cause uncertainty to the procedure of mitigation. In the paper, the equipment accessibility induced by high radioactivity is analyzed for AP1000. The results indicate that most of the mitigative actions can be carried out in main control room. In the limited cases in which equipments have to be operated locally, it is still possible to finish the mitigation action without too much radioactive exposure. Therefore, accessible trouble caused by high radioactivity will not produce a big threat to accident mitigation.
文章引用:顾培文, 方立凯, 曹克美, 郑利民. 核电厂设备可达性研究方案探讨[J]. 核科学与技术, 2014, 2(3): 35-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/NST.2014.23006