The Impact of the Nature and the Subject Characteristics of the Incident on Individual Moral Judgment
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.44077, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,884  浏览: 10,512  科研立项经费支持
作者: 侯玉玲, 曹贵康:西南大学心理学部,重庆;周路平:湖南师范大学教育科学学院,长沙
关键词: 道德判断事件的性质亲疏关系性别年龄Moral Judgment The Nature of the Incident Closeness Relationships Gender Age
摘要: 根植于中国乡土社会文化,费孝通等学者发现人们对于与自己亲疏关系不同的个体的道德判断是有差异的。但事实是否真的如此呢?随机抽取60名在校大学生进行行为实验,从亲疏关系的角度探讨其对个体道德判断的影响;在心理距离相同时,考查事件主人公的性别和年龄差异是否也会影响个体的道德判断;同时设置了道德与不道德事件,对不同性质的事件对个体道德判断是否存在影响也进行了考查。研究结论如下:1) 个体的道德判断不受其性别和专业的影响;2) 不同性质的事件对人们的道德判断影响不大,但是相对于道德事件,个体对不道德事件的反应明显慢些,其原因可能是受到事件主体特征的影响;3) 个体的道德判断会随着个体的性别、专业、事件的性质、主体特征等因素的不同而有所变化;4) 个体的道德判断会随着事件主体的年龄的变化而发生改变,但这种变化受事件主体的性别的影响较少。
Abstract: Rooted in Chinese local and social culture, scholars like Fei Xiaotong have found that people hold different standards in moral judgment for different relationships with their closeness. But is it the real case? We randomly select 60 college students to conduct our behavior experiments, and discuss from the point of view of the closeness relationships which impact on the individual moral judgment. When the psychological distance is the same, we will explore whether the age and gender will have impact on the whole process of moral judgment. The past studies mainly focused on immoral deeds, however, this essay sets both moral and immoral situation, and also it tests whether different situation will affect the individual’s moral judgment. The conclusion of the study is as follows: 1) Gender and professional do not have impacts on moral judgment. 2) People do not have the apparent differences when it concerned with varied situations, however, relative to moral event, individual’s reaction to the immoral situation is obvious slower, the reason may be the impact of the characteristics of the subject. 3) The individual’s moral judgment will change with the different factors, such as gender, professional, the nature of the incident, and the charac- teristics of the subject. 4) The individual’s moral judgment will change with changes of the age of the incident subject, but this difference has a less effect of the gender of the incident subject.
文章引用:侯玉玲, 曹贵康, 周路平 (2014). 事件的性质和主体特征对个体道德判断的影响. 心理学进展, 4(4), 568-578. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.44077


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