Pollen Haploid Plants Cannot Be Induced from Grape Anther Culture
DOI: 10.12677/WJF.2014.33005, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,438  浏览: 12,069 
作者: 曹孜义:甘肃农业大学生命科学技术学院,兰州;甘肃省老教授协会农业委员会,兰州
关键词: 植物单倍体育种葡萄花药培养单倍体二倍体Plant Haploid Breeding Grape Anther Culture Haploid Diploid
摘要: 本文根据有关文献和自己经历,作者对葡萄单倍体植株诱导培养问题和学术界观点进行了梳理和讨论。对从葡萄花药培养诱导出植株的唯一的一篇论文,从六个方面进行了质疑;依据细胞学、植物形态学、遗传学等方面理论,认为声称得到葡萄单倍体植株仍是二倍体植株。本文指出,根据目前的技术,葡萄花药培养诱导不出花粉单倍体植株;同时,也对果树花药培养诱导单倍体植株和倍性鉴定问题进行了讨论。
Abstract: Based on the literature and his own research experiences, the author presented and discussed the academic point on induction and culturing of grape pollen haploid plants. Upon the only one paper reporting that whole grape plants were induced from anther culture, the author listed six evidences, including cytology, plant morphology and genetics, to clarify that the so-called haploid plants were still diploid plants. Finally, the author proposed that the grape anther culture cannot induce the pollen haploid plants according to the existing technology. At the same time, the issue about the induction of pollen haploid plants from anther culture and ploidy identification in fruit trees was discussed.
文章引用:曹孜义. 葡萄花药培养诱导不出花粉单倍体植株[J]. 林业世界, 2014, 3(3): 23-27. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WJF.2014.33005


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