An Analysis on Establishment of FTA in the China-Korea Economic and Trade Cooperation
DOI: 10.12677/ETW.2014.42003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,485  浏览: 13,394  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 杨亚楠:兰卡斯特管理学院,兰卡斯特,英国;蓝裕平:北京师范大学珠海分校国际商学部
关键词: 中韩贸易发展现状自由贸易区(FTA)政策建议China and South Korea Trade Development Status Free Trade Area Relevant Advice
摘要: 自1992年两国建交以来,中韩两国积极开展经贸合作,贸易形式从间接贸易转为直接贸易,贸易额迅速增加,经济互补性逐渐增强,双方已经互为重要的投资对象。但是,随着两国之间日趋成熟的贸易发展,越来越多的问题从现状中暴露出来,例如贸易逆差和贸易摩擦。因此,本论文通过对中韩贸易经济现状以及进行贸易往来时出现的问题的研究分析,探讨两国之间建立自由贸易区,即FTA(Free Trade Area)的可行性,并简要分析FTA对中韩双方经济的影响。最后,就以上对FTA的分析结果简要提出建议。
Abstract: China and South Korea carried out economic cooperation actively since 1992 when the diplomacy between the two countries was established. The trade forms have converted from indirect trade to direct one, and therefore the value of trade has increased rapidly, and the economic complemen-tarities between the two countries have been enhanced gradually. The two sides have become important investment objects for each other. However, with the development of trade, more and more problems were exposed, such as trade friction and trade deficit. Therefore, this thesis makes exploration for the feasibility of establishing Free Trade Area between the two countries, referred as FTA, based on the current situations and problems in the trade. Moreover, the impact of the es-tablishment of FTA on the economy of both China and South Korea will also be analyzed briefly. Finally, the thesis proposes policy suggestions briefly through the analysis of these results.
文章引用:杨亚楠, 蓝裕平. 浅析中韩经贸合作中FTA的建立[J]. 财富涌现与流转, 2014, 4(2): 16-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ETW.2014.42003


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