The Construction of Female Discourse from “Disciplining” to “Writing”——New Perspective of Post-Feminism for Reading Lady Macbeth
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2014.22005, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,227  浏览: 12,557 
作者: 王际超:苏州大学文学院,苏州
关键词: 后女性主义麦克白夫人女性话语规训疯臆写作Post-Feminism Lady Macbeth Female Discourse Discipline Crazy Writing
摘要: 《麦克白》作为莎士比亚众多创作中最具“现代性”的文本历来成为批评者关注的焦点,而针对麦克白夫人这一女性形象的解读虽然随着女性主义的发展不断深入,却仍无法真正脱离男性菲勒斯中心主义的话语局限。本文将试图在回顾、评论、取舍历史研究成果的同时,以后女性主义视角不断挖掘麦克白夫人在文本中建立自我话语的尝试,分析其通过“规训”方式投射自我欲望所具有的突破价值与无法避免的局限性,以及最终在“疯癔”与“写作”中找到回归自我、建立女性主体独立话语的可能。而通过有别于传统的理论阐释方式,文章也在一定程度上对麦克白夫人形象的认知提供了有意义的补充与延伸。
Abstract: As a modernistic text in Shakespeare’s numerous creations, Macbeth has become a focus of the attention for quite a number of researchers. However, although the interpretation of Lady Macbeth has increasingly deepened in the past few decades because of the advance of feminism, the discourse and concepts still cannot be free from the restriction of male phallocentricism. After reviewing and analyzing the previous studies, this article draws on the theory of post-feminism and tries to explore how Lady Macbeth strives to establish her own discourse right in the text. Furthermore, it also provides the elaborate evaluation of breakthrough and inevitable limits coexisting in the process of transferring her desire by disciplining, as well as the possibility for Lady Macbeth’s to seek out her ego and to construct the personality in her crazy and writing. To some extent, through new ways of interpretation which distinguish from the traditional ones, this article might provide the meaningful supplement and extension for recognizing the image of Lady Macbeth.
文章引用:王际超. 从“规训”到“写作”的女性话语建构——麦克白夫人的后女性主义解读[J]. 世界文学研究, 2014, 2(2): 28-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2014.22005


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