Integrating Multiple Physiological Factors for Health Care of VDT Users
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2014.45016, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,797  浏览: 7,904  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 刘硕, 马 伟:北京工业大学计算机学院,北京;秦雨鸿, 梁栗炎, 杨琳, 施景彬, 岳瑞娟:北京工业大学生命科学与生物工程学院,北京
关键词: 视屏显示终端疲劳健康监测健康评价Visual Display Terminal (VDT) Monitoring of Fatigue State Fatigue State Evaluation
摘要: 针对VDT (Video Display Terminal,视屏显示终端)作业引发的一系列健康问题,构建智能化疲劳健康检测系统。本系统利用多参数累计评分方法计算用户健康指数,基于用户对计算机的有效操作时间及健康指数计算疲劳值,用以智能化控制用户休息提示的时间间隔与评价用户疲劳状态。系统具备智能化疲劳休息提示,基于用户生理信息及其参数变化趋势的健康评价等功能。用户通过系统可了解自身健康,并在计算机操作过程中时常进行休息,避免长时间VDT作业对身体造成伤害。用户调研结果显示,本系统在功能体验上优于市场上同类别的健康系统,在大众健康保健方面具有良好的应用前景。
Abstract: Long-time use of VDTs (video display terminal) causes negative influences on users’ health. The paper presents a user-adaptive health-care system. The system can give the VDT users’ suggestions to rest after a period and present their fatigue states of every moment. The length of the period for a user is determined by the user’s health index and his/her effective VDT using time. The health index is obtained by integrating multiple physiological factors, e.g. blood pressure and heart rate, of the user. Compared to other health-care systems, our system is more intelligent by adapting to different users. Besides, the system is capable of evaluating and quantifying the user’s fatigue state in real time. The user knows well about his/her fatigue state at each moment. The evaluation and the real-time presentation of fatigue states are also highlights of our system. User studies demonstrate that the system is better than the other health-care systems in user experience, which makes it promising for practical applications.
文章引用:刘硕, 秦雨鸿, 马伟, 梁栗炎, 杨琳, 施景彬, 岳瑞娟. 融合多因素的疲劳健康监测[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2014, 4(5): 103-111. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2014.45016


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