Brand Demand Price Elasticity and Customer Perceived Quality——An Empirical Analysis Based on Automobile Markets
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2014.42007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,433  浏览: 13,298 
作者: 裘晓东, 刘汝聪, 甘沁凡, 韩旭童:北京交通大学经济管理学院,北京
关键词: 品牌需求价格弹性顾客感知质量汽车营销Brand Demand Price Elasticity Customer Perceived Quality Automobile Markets
摘要: 本文就国内汽车行业顾客品牌感知质量对品牌需求价格弹性的影响进行了实证研究。从消费者主观感知角度出发,论文对消费者和企业开展了相关性分析,这一研究视角不同于以往单一的企业研究。研究发现,汽车行业顾客的品牌感知质量对其需求价格弹性绝对值具有正向显著影响,进一步讲,低端汽车品牌的频繁促销活动并不会改变消费者的购买倾向,而中高端汽车品牌在产品价格方面的变动,则对消费者购买行为的转变具有显著影响。这一研究结论不仅真实地反映了国内汽车市场的现实消费状况,对于中国汽车企业的营销决策实践同样具有重要参考价值和现实指导意义。
Abstract: Based on the data of automobile category, the present study focuses on the impact of customer perceived quality on brand price elasticity. The results show that the customer perceived quality has significantly positive impact on brand price elasticity. The result is from the consumer’s point of view and the study makes a link between the consumers and enterprises, which is different from the previous study analyzed from the perspective of the enterprise. Moreover, our results show that low-end automobile frequent promotions do not change customers’ purchase inclina- tion, but high- or middle-end automobile price changes affect customers’ purchase behavior sig- nificantly. It reflects the situation of Chinese automobile market more realistically. Meanwhile, the result and corresponding analysis have important implications for the Chinese automobile mar- keting decision.
文章引用:裘晓东, 刘汝聪, 甘沁凡, 韩旭童. 品牌需求价格弹性与顾客感知质量的关系——基于汽车行业的实证研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2014, 4(2): 37-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2014.42007


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