The Research of the Relationship between Folic Acid and Birth Defect
DOI: 10.12677/HJFNS.2014.32003, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,653  浏览: 13,426 
作者: 祝德营, 李 勇:北京大学医学部公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学系,北京;北京大学医学部公共卫生学院母婴营养研究中心,北京;戴智勇:北京大学医学部公共卫生学院母婴营养研究中心,北京;澳优乳业(中国)有限公司,长沙
关键词: 叶酸出生缺陷婴幼儿Folic Acid Birth Defects Infants
摘要: 叶酸属于B族维生素,是DNA和RNA合成过程中不可缺少的重要物质,在细胞生长、分化、修复和宿主防御等方面扮演重要角色。近年来,叶酸在先天性心脏病、神经管畸形等出生缺陷中的作用越来越受到关注。孕妇在妊娠前和妊娠期增补适量叶酸可有效降低出生缺陷疾病的发生率。本文对叶酸与出生缺陷的关系做一简要综述。
Abstract: Folic acid, a B-vitamin, is required for the synthesis of DNA and RNA, and plays an important role in the cell growth, differentiation, repairmen and host defense. In recent years, more and more studies show that folic acid has an important role in the birth defects such as congenital disease and neural tube defects. It can effectively reduce the risk of having a baby with birth defects when the pregnant women have appropriate dose of folic acid. This article reviews the relationship between folic acid and birth defects.
文章引用:祝德营, 戴智勇, 李勇. 叶酸与出生缺陷关系的研究进展[J]. 食品与营养科学, 2014, 3(2): 11-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJFNS.2014.32003


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