The Mixture of Art Expression Forms—A Study of Literary Adaptation
DOI: 10.12677/ARL.2014.31001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,481  浏览: 8,627 
作者: 顾雪*:上海中医药大学,上海
关键词: 文学著作影视化原著改编电影
Literary Adaptation; Film Adaptation
摘要: 自电影艺术诞生以来,大量的文学著作被改编成电影搬上银幕。由于原著本身的影响力,此类电影很容易获得极高的票房价值,并在艺术上获得巨大的成功。但是由于不同的改编者对文学原著的理解存在较大差异,许多原著改编类电影在公映后往往存在较大争议。本文主要从文学著作改编电影的影视化角度着手,剖析文学著作与影视文艺的内在关联;并以此类电影中的代表作品为具体剖析对象,从文学著作影视化的必然、原则、利弊等多个方面浅析文学著作影视化这一文化现象,初步探寻其成功的艺术规律。 Since the first film in the world was made, the adaptation of literary works became increasingly popular in the screens. Because of the high influence of the original works, this kind of movies can gain positive word-of-mouth and get many awards. However, there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes. There are different views about such kind of movies. This paper tries to analyze the relationship of the original works and the film arts, analyses the classic adapted works, and then discusses the inevitability, principle, and the advantages and disadvantages of the adaptation of literary works. Finally, the rules of successful literary adaptation are summarized.
文章引用:顾雪. 交织的艺术——浅析文学著作影视化的现象[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2014, 3(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ARL.2014.31001