A Follow-Up Study of High School Students’ Aggression in Chongqing
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.42028, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,733  浏览: 9,345  科研立项经费支持
作者: 于 格:六盘水师范学院教育科学系,六盘水;胡婷婷, 王卫红:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 攻击性高中生追踪调查发展特点Aggression; High School Students; Follow-Up Survey; Development Characteristics
摘要: 目的:为了探讨高中生攻击性的发展特点,为学校心理健康教育工作提供依据。方法:采用攻击性人格特征量表对重庆市4919名高中生进行为期两年的追踪调查,有效追踪率为85.63%。结果:重庆市高中生的攻击性得分随着时间显著降低;男生和女生的主要攻击形式有所差异,男生更多表现为外部攻击,女生则多表现为向“内”的负性情绪;在身体攻击、言语攻击、愤怒和指向自我的攻击性上,男生和女生具有不同的发展特点;高、低攻击性群体在攻击性发展上呈现出一种“去两极化”的趋势,由两端向平均水平趋近。结论:攻击性随着时间显著下降,不同性别、不同攻击性等级的群体具有不同的攻击性发展特点。

Objective: To explore the developmental characteristics of aggression providing a basis for further intervention of psychological health education. Methods: With the application of AQ Personality Trait Scale, the two-year survey measured in total 4919 high school students’ aggression inChongqing. The effective follow-up rate was 85.63%. Results: The results indicated that high school students’ aggression was decreasing with time. As to the manifestation of aggression, boys were more inclined to external attack, while girls tended to transfer aggression to negative emotions toward themselves. Development characteristics were also different in gender in the following aspects: physical attack, verbal attack, anger and self-attack. Both in high aggression group and low aggression group, there was a depolarized trend in aggression development, which was returning to average from the extremes. Conclusion: Aggression was decreasing with the passage of time. The aggression development characteristics were very different between boys and girls, between highly aggressive students and lowly aggressive students.

文章引用:于格, 胡婷婷, 王卫红. 重庆市高中生攻击性的追踪研究[J]. 心理学进展, 2014, 4(2): 180-186. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.42028


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