Charitable Giving: Antecedents and Mechanisms
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.42027, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,458  浏览: 32,143  国家科技经费支持
作者: 陆柯雯, 任孝鹏:中国科学院心理研究所行为科学重点实验室,北京
关键词: 慈善捐款行为利他不确定性双信息加工机制Charitable Giving; Altruism; Uncertainty; Dual-Processing Mechanism
摘要: 慈善捐款行为是自愿地通过非盈利性组织进行捐款而帮助家人之外他人的行为;对于社会和谐和良性发展非常重要。将慈善捐款行为作为一个独立的研究主题进行综述很有必要,或将有助于有关机构、组织的运行和发展。已有研究从捐款者(人口学特征、价值观、认知与情绪状态)、慈善机构(组织特征、与捐款者的互动)以及环境(文化特征、社会情境)三方面对该行为展开了广泛探索,但在理论框架的整合、信息加工过程的探索以及跨文化研究方面仍有待发展。本文在综述基础上提出了不确定性能够影响慈善捐款行为,个体知觉到的不确定性越强,慈善捐款的可能性就越低;并进一步分析了来自施助者、社会环境和求助者三类不同来源的不确定性以及在不同信息加工系统主导下的不确定性对慈善捐款行为的影响。

Charitable giving is important for modern society which refers to the voluntary donation to nonprofit organizations that benefits others beyond one’s own family. It is necessary to review the literatures of charitable giving as an independent theme, which may be helpful to the operation and development of relevant organizations. Researchers have extensively studied the antecedents of charitable giving from donors (demographic features, values, cognitive and emotional states), charities (organization characteristics and their interaction with donors) and social contexts (cultural features and social situations). However, further efforts are still needed on the development of integrated theory, exploration of its information processing and cross-cultural researches. Based on the review, we propose uncertainty to be an important factor which predicts that more uncertainty will lead to less charitable giving. Furthermore, different resources (giver, context and receiver) of uncertainty are discussed. At last, dual processing system is used to explain how uncertainty does work on charitable giving and that the connection of uncertainty and charitable giving will be stronger when analytic system works than intuitional system does.

文章引用:陆柯雯, 任孝鹏. 慈善捐款行为:影响因素及机制[J]. 心理学进展, 2014, 4(2): 163-179.


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