Design and Implementation of the System of Key Tax Source Management Based on Business Intelligence
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2014.42007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,233  浏览: 8,080 
作者: 王云峰:武汉市地方税务局,武汉
关键词: 商务智能重点税源税收信息化Business Intelligence; Key Tax Source; Tax Informatization
摘要: 在大数据时代,税收管理科学化、精细化要求充分利用现代管理思想和信息化技术,实现科学管理与信息技术的有效结合。本文通过对商务智能的介绍以及重点税源管理系统平台建设过程的描述,阐述了商务智能在打造数字地税,加强税收数据分析,推进税收信息化中的应用。
Abstract: In the age of big data, more scientific and meticulous tax management requires to make full use of modern management theory and information technology, to realize the effective combination of scientific management and information technology. Based on the business intelligence as well as the introduction of the key tax source management system platform construction process description, this article describes the business intelligence in building digital land tax, strengthening tax data analysis and promoting the application of tax informatization.
文章引用:王云峰. 基于商务智能的重点税源管理系统设计与实现[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2014, 4(2): 32-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2014.42007


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