The Narrow Scope Reading of Quantifiers in Chinese
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2014.21006, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,881  浏览: 12,547  科研立项经费支持
作者: 何宏华:清华大学外文系,北京
关键词: 窄域语链语义传递机制标记性位置辖域冻结Narrow Scope; Chain; Semantic Transmitting Device; Marked Position; Scope Freezing
摘要: 窄域释义现象实际是句法推演过程中时间演算带来的附加现象。核查过程中只有形式特征发生移位,词汇、语义特征呈显性滞留于原位置,A-语链中语迹的语义解释依赖方向自由式词义传递机制;在语法的解释系统中不存在效应消除过程,移位总是从低处移往高处结构统制位置;化名词词组的强/弱分类对于该问题的解释处于从属地位,结构中的位置有无标记性特征则变得至关重要。加入了标记性结构位置理论后,以约束关系为基础的释义方法指出辖域冻结现象可以从对窄域释义的分析中推导出来。
Abstract: The narrow scope reading effects of quantifiers are in fact epiphenomena of derivational timing. There is no undoing process in interpretive system of grammar, given that chains are formed either by moving an element lower in the position of tree to a higher position and stay put thereby or by moving only formal features [FF] of a element, leaving the element hosting the feature of [SF] behind overtly. This stresses again that movements always take place to a c-commanding position. Narrow scope reading of quantifiers that takes place in A-chains is felicitated by means of Direction-Free Semantic Transmitting Device. In the interpretation, the classification of quantifiers is reduced to an ancillary status while the fact that whether a position is syntactically marked becomes crucial. Augmented with the theory of marked syntactic positions, this interpretive approach based on the binding relations accounts that the scope freezing phenomenon is actually a derived fact.
文章引用:何宏华. 汉语量词的窄域释义[J]. 现代语言学, 2014, 2(1): 34-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2014.21006


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