Service Brand Positioning Research Based on Customer’s Mind
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2014.41001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,968  浏览: 14,180  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 李纯青, 李松玲, 马军平, 王 银:西安工业大学经济管理学院,西安
关键词: 服务品牌定位消费者心智内部品牌化品类 Service Brand Positioning; Customer’s Mind; Internal Branding; Category
摘要: 本文着眼于服务企业,探讨了在信息爆炸式增长,产品同质化和竞争加剧化的情况下,品牌定位和消费者心智的相互关系,提出了新品类创建成功与否和内部品牌化是服务品牌定位植入消费者心智的关键。然后分析了基于消费者心智和服务的特性来加强服务品牌定位的策略途径1) 分析内外部环境,了解竞争对手的消费者心智资源;2) 避开竞争对手的强势进行定位,寻求消费者心智空白点,创建新品类,建立品牌格言;3) 进行层次化的营销,为定位寻找信任状,避免消费者的负面认知;4) 服务企业通过品牌的内化来兑现品牌承诺,从而将品牌定位植入消费者的心智。
Abstract: This paper focuses on service enterprises, explores the relationship between brand positioning and customers’ minds in the conditions of information explosion, product homogeneity and increased competition, and puts forward the view that the successful creation of a new category and internal branding are the keys which help to implant brand service positioning in customers’ mind. Based on service characteristics and consumers’ minds, the research analyzes four strategies to strengthen service brand positioning: 1) Enterprises analyze internal and external environments in order to understand the competitors’ customer mental resources; 2) Enterprises position the brand by avoiding the competitors’ advantages, seek the customers’ mind blank, create a new category and build brand motto; 3) Enterprises conduct hierarchical marketing, seek credentials for positioning, and avoid customers’ negative awareness; 4) Service enterprises should deliver the brand promise by brand internalization, thus the brand positioning will be implanted in the customers’ minds.
文章引用:李纯青, 李松玲, 马军平, 王银. 基于消费者心智的服务品牌定位研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2014, 4(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2014.41001


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