Research on China’s Trade-Added Value after Joining WTO—An Analysis of 12 Industrial Departments
DOI: 10.12677/WER.2013.23003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,675  浏览: 11,443 
作者: 韩 琪, 黄 晨:对外经济贸易大学,经贸学院,北京
关键词: 入世之后工业部门贸易附加值变化分析 After Joining WTO; Industrial Departments; Trade-Added Value; Change Analysis
摘要: 入世十多年来,我国经济和对外贸易发展成绩斐然,工业制成品,尤其是机电产品和高新技术产品在我国出口产品中的比重逐渐增加,出口产品结构不断优化。然而我国出口商品还停留在“中国制造”阶段,产品的附加价值并不高。本文利用贸易附加值这一更注重贸易利益本质的研究方法,对我国12个工业部门2001年~2011年间的贸易附加值进行整理计算,得出入世以后,我国技术密集型产业的产品附加值正在稳健提升,而传统的劳动密集型产业在国际分工中的地位在逐渐下降的结论。 After joining the WTO for more than ten years, China has made great achievements in economics and foreign trade. Since manufactured products, especially mechanical and electrical products as well as high-tech products, are accounting for more and more proportions of export products, China’s export structure has been upgrading. However, China’s exports are still in the phase labeled “made in China”, which means that the added value of export products is low. This paper calculates the added value of trade in 12 industrial departments in China between 2001 and 2011 by using the trade-added value method. As a result, we come to a conclusion that after joining WTO, technology-intensive industries in China have been increasing their trade-added value steadily, while those traditional labor-intensive industries are losing their positions on the ladder of the international division of labor.


文章引用:韩琪, 黄晨. 入世后我国贸易附加值变化的研究—基于12个工业部门的分析[J]. 世界经济探索, 2013, 2(3): 15-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WER.2013.23003


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