Romantic Relationship and Self—The Sino-USA Differences of Online Dating Advertisements
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.35038, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 4,123  浏览: 18,516 
作者: 刘烯琴*, 任孝鹏:中国科学院心理所行为科学重点实验实
关键词: 网络择偶启事独立自我互依自我Online Personal Advertisements; Independent Self; Interdependent Self
摘要: 在中、美婚恋网站上各选取50名用户的择偶启事,将其自由陈述的内容分为内在特征/外在特征、自我描述/配偶要求两个维度,四大类型,其中外在特征又细分为以经济背景为要素的附属特征,和以身材、相貌为要素的体貌特征,以分析择偶行为的文化差异和性别差异,结果表明,1) 中国择偶者比美国择偶者更重视外在特征,尤其体现在对配偶外在特征要求及对自己外在体貌特征的描述上,表明中国人比美国人互依自我更强;2) 中国择偶者比美国择偶者更多对配偶提出要求,无论是内在特征要求还是外在特征要求,而在自我描述总数量上没有差异;3) 男性择偶者比女性择偶者更多描述自己的外在附属特征;4) 女性择偶者比男性择偶者更多对配偶外在特征提出要求;5) 中国女性比中国男性更多对配偶的外在附属特征提出要求。
Abstract: We selected 50 personal ads on the Chinese dating website and another 50 on the American dating website, and coded the free-texts into two dimensions including self-descriptions/partner-descriptions and in- ternal attributes/external characteristics to compare the culture and gender differences. The external charac- teristics were divided into physical appearances and affiliated characteristics featured by economic back- ground. The numbers of the descriptions of each dimension illustrated the extent the advertisers valued it. Results showed that, 1) Chinese valued external characteristics more than American, especially the physical appearances which demonstrates that Chinese had stronger interdependent self-construals than American; 2) Chinese asked for more requirements than American, including internal or external attributes; 3) Male de- scribed their own affiliated characteristics more than female; 4) Female asked for external characteristics more than male; 5) Chinese female asked for more affiliated characteristics more than male.
文章引用:刘烯琴, 任孝鹏 (2013). 浪漫关系与自我—网络择偶启事的中美差异. 心理学进展, 3(5), 246-255. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.35038


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