Empirical Research on the Interventional Training of English Listening Strategies
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2013.12015, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,504  浏览: 13,060 
作者: 董记华*, 李丽霞:西北农林科技大学外语系,杨凌
关键词: 听力策略介入性培训实证研究Listening Strategies; Interventional Training; Empirical Study
摘要: 高学习者的英语听力水平已经引起英语教学和研究领域的广泛关注。本研究旨在从听力策略角度探索提高学生英语听力水平的有效途径。本实验以西北农林科技大学123名硕士研究生为研究对象,开展为期一年的介入性听力策略纵向研究并采用对照试验法检测研究听力策略的培训效果。实验班通过“有声思维”的方式将听力策略的培训融入到听力课堂中。实验班1接受认知、元认知和社会/情感策略的培训;实验班2接受认知策略和社会/情感策略的培训;对照班采用“教师放音 + 学生听”的传统授课模式。研究发现:英语听力策略的培训在提高学生英语听力水平方面效果显著。文章最后提出本实验的理论意义和实践价值及对后续研究的建议。
Abstract: Enhancing learners’ English listening proficiency has gained increasing attention from English teachers and academics. The present study aimed to explore the effective means of improving students’ English listening performances in terms of listening strategies. The empirical research was a one-year interventional longitude study on 123 postgraduates from NorthwestA&FUniversityand adopted a con- trolled study to testify the effect of listening strategies on the participants’ listening performances. The ex- perimental classes were instructed with listening strategies based instruction. Experimental class 1 was in- structed with metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective strategies; experimental class 2 was instructed with cognitive and social/affective strategies; the control class was instructed with the traditional listening method of teacher playing tape + students’ listening. The study found that the instruction of the overall three strategies proved to be the most effective in enhancing students’ listening performances. The implications and suggestions to the follow-up research were proposed finally.
文章引用:董记华, 李丽霞. 英语听力策略介入性培训实证研究[J]. 现代语言学, 2013, 1(2): 78-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2013.12015


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