Hierarchy Analysis and Multidimensional Development of Autonomy in Learning
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2013.12004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,591  浏览: 11,671  科研立项经费支持
作者: 申宝国*:保定学院外语系,保定
关键词: 学习者自主性层级多维发展毕业论文写作Autonomy in Learning; Hierarchy; Multidimensional Development; Writing a Graduation Thesis
摘要: 自主性层级阐释与多维发展在专业人才培养和综合素质开发方面发挥着关键作用。本文以论文写作为例分析学习者自主能力发展的四个层级:语言习得、意识倾向、前摄参与、无为自动化。阐述情感、元认知、批判性思维、创新性思维与学习者自主性的关系,以期提升英语本科生论文写作质量的同时,建立学习者自主性培养模式。
Abstract: Hierarchy and development of autonomy in learning play an essential role in fostering the com- prehensive quality as well as cultivating professional talents. Taking an example of the process of writing a graduation thesis for a bachelor degree in English, this paper proposed four Hierarchies of autonomy in learning: language acquisition, consciousness tendency, proactive participation, spontaneous automation. And analyzes multidimensional development in affection, metacognition, critical thinking and creative thinking in order to make the quality of writing a graduation thesis higher, build the framework of autonomy in learning and develop the high-quality talents.
文章引用:申宝国. 学习者自主性层级阐释与多维发展的研究[J]. 现代语言学, 2013, 1(2): 21-24. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2013.12004


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