Dynamic Simulation Analysis of Ecological Economic System Based on the Functional Control
DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2013.22008, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,287  浏览: 11,488 
作者: 李 秋:数学与统计学院,东北大学秦皇岛分校,秦皇岛
关键词: 生态经济系统利润函数成本函数经济因素动态模拟 Ecological Economic System; Revenue Function; Cost Function; Economic Factor; Dynamic Simulation


Abstract: This article focuses on the issues about maintaining the balanced development in ecosystem. A revenue function and a cost function are proposed, which causes the development of economic activities being under the control of cost and revenue. We stop the planting and cultivating activities that included in economical activity at t* moment, and remain their existing values unchanged, while we add into the influence on self-implement from hunting’s economic factors. At moment, a reasonable exchange is conducted between the wilderness area and the area that occupied by hunting activity. Moreover, we study the influence that the three human activities above over the total service function of ecological economical system based on a dynamic simulation. It reveals that the total service function of ecological economical system can realize a periodical change that keeping in a certain range in each cycles, which ensures the balanced development of the ecological economic system.

文章引用:李秋. 基于函数调控的生态经济系统动态模拟分析[J]. 应用数学进展, 2013, 2(2): 55-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AAM.2013.22008


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