Analysis of Marketing Strategy of Oil Productbased on 4R’s Theory
DOI: 10.12677/mom.2011.11003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 5,353  浏览: 17,584 
作者: 刘守德:中国石油新疆销售公司;孙永风:中国石油西北销售公司
关键词: 成品油营销策略4R’s营销理论
oil product
strategy of marketing 4R’s theory
摘要: 随着市场竞争主体的增加和消费者要求的提高,成品油市场竞争愈演愈烈,成品油营销工作受到越多越多的重视和关注。本文在分析当前成品油市场竞争特点的基础上,提出了基于4R’s营销理论的成品油营销策略,强调了市场分析、客户关系管理和快速反应在构建成品油销售企业核心竞争力中的重要性。
Abstract: The competition is becoming increasingly sharp in oil product market, along with the increase in competitors and the advance of consumer’s needed. Then, the marketing of oil product gains more and more recognition and attention. Through a deeply analysis of the characteristics of oil product market, the paper advances a type of marketing strategy of oil product based on 4R’s theory, indicate how important of market analysis, management of customer relationship, and rapidly reaction in constructing the core-competitiveness of oil product marketing company.
文章引用:刘守德, 孙永风. 基于4R’s营销理论的成品油营销策略探析[J]. 现代市场营销, 2011, 1(1): 14-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mom.2011.11003


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