



20117月至20137月 博士后,河海大学水利工程博士后流动站

20059月至201012月 博士,大连理工大学海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室

20019月至20057月 学士,河海大学交通与海洋工程学院



20157      访问学者,英国纽卡斯尔大学

20154      副教授,河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院

20111月至20153月 讲师,河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院 



  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于海底山脊俘获效应的越洋海啸传播演化机制研究”(51579090),2016.01-2019.12,63万,主持
  2. 大连理工大学海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室开放基金“海底山脊对远洋海啸传播的影响”(LP1405),2014.4-2016.4,5万,主持国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目“气象海啸激发港湾共振的数值和物理模型研究”(51411130125),2014.04-2016.03,10万,主持
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“平面形状与水深变化对港湾共振的影响机理”51209081),2013.01-2015.12,25万,主持
  4. 开发项目“全国重点地区洪水风险图编制通用软件开发洪水分析软件(一维模型)升级改造”(20148071426),2014年,20万,主持中国博士后科学基金资助项目“地形变化对港湾内水波共振的影响机理研究”(2012M511671,2012.1-2013.12,5万,主持
  5. 江苏省博士后科研资助计划项目“港内地形为指数形式的港湾共振研究”1102071C2012.1-2013.12,2万,主持


  1. G. Wang, J.-H. Zheng, Q.-H. Liang, Y.-N. Zheng, Analytical solutions for oscillations in a harbor with a hyperbolic-cosine squared bottom, Ocean Engineering, 2014, 83 0 16-23. (SCI检索)
  2. J.-H. Zheng, G. Wang, G.-H. Dong, X.-Z. Ma, Y.-X. Ma, Numerical study on FermiPastaUlamTsingou problem for 1D shallow-water waves, Wave Motion,2014, 51 1 157-167. (SCI检索)
  3. G.Wang, V.Nguyena, J.-h.Zheng, G.-h.Dong, X.-z.Ma, Y.-x.Ma, Disintegration of linear edge waves, China Ocean Engineering, 27 (2013) 557-562.(SCIEI检索)
  4. G.Wang, J.-H.Zheng, J.P.-Y.Maa, J.-S.Zhang, A.-F.Tao, Numerical experiments on transverse oscillations induced by normal-incident waves in a rectangular harbor of constant slope, Ocean Engineering, 57 (2013) 1-10.(SCIEI检索)
  5. J.Zheng, G.Wang, G.Dong, X.Ma, Y.Ma, Numerical study on Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou problem for 1D shallow-water waves, Wave Motion, 51 (2014) 157-167.(SCIEI检索)
  6. G.Wang, J.Zheng, Subharmonic Generation of Transverse Oscillations Induced by Incident Regular Waves, in: The 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Santander, Spain, 2012, pp.10.(EI检索)
  7. G.Wang, J.Zheng, T.Wang, Cross-waves in a channel with trapezoidal depth, in: 4th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2012, pp.32-37
  8. J.Zheng, G.Wang, C.Zhang, Y.Liu, Numerical Wave Flumes Based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, in: J.Zheng (Ed.) Hydrodynamics - Theory and Model, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 2012, pp.233-254
  9. 王岗,许建武,郑金海,利用数值耗散层改进Boussinesq模型的无反射边界条件,工程力学,29(2012)239-243(EI检索
  10. G.Wang, G.Dong, M.Perlin, X.Ma, Y.Ma, An analytic investigation of oscillations within a harbor of constant slope, Ocean Engineering, 38 (2011) 479-486.(SCIEI检索)
  11. G.Wang, G.Dong, M.Perlin, X.Ma, Y.Ma, Numerical investigation of oscillations within a harbor of constant slope induced by seafloor movements, Ocean Engineering, 38 (2011) 2151-2161.(SCII检索)
  12. G.Dong, G.Wang, X.Ma, Y.Ma, Numerical study of transient nonlinear harbor resonance, Science China-Technological Sciences, 53 (2010) 558-565.(SCIEI检索)
  13. G.Dong, G.Wang, X.Ma, Y.Ma, Harbor resonance induced by subaerial landslide-generated impact waves, Ocean Engineering, 37 (2010) 927-934.(SCIEI检索)
  14. 王岗郑金海徐龙辉董文凯椭圆形港湾内水波共振的解析解工程力学 2014(31)4,252-256(EI检索
  15. M.-J. Xiong, J.-H. Zheng, G. Wang, Analytic solutions for tsunami waves trapped by parabolic-profile submerged ridge, in: The Eleventh ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Shanghai, China, 2014, pp. 325-329. (EI检索)
  16. 王岗,郑金海,梯形底床波浪水槽内横波的解析表达,第十五届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集,中(2011)643-646
  17. 王岗,马小舟,马玉祥,董国海,短波对港池长周期振荡的影响,工程力学,27(2010)240-245(EI检索
  18. 王岗,董国海,滑坡海啸引起港池振荡的实验研究,第十四届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会,上(2009)692-695