Explore the Need for Multidisciplinary Executive Strategists——The Enterprise Architecture Implementers
DOI: 10.12677/MSE.2014.31004, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,781  浏览: 10,781 
作者: 李 智:国际商业机器公司(IBM),台北;国立中山大学,高雄
关键词: 服务科学高阶跨领域人才企业架构产业需求调查Service Science; Multidisciplinary Executive; Enterprise Architecture; Industrial Requirement Survey
摘要: 在此经济复苏迟缓之际,企业面向来自多方面的挑战,由其经营策略必须依外在环境更灵活地规划与实践,而欲推动企业转型又必须要有跨领域高阶人才带领方能事半功倍。然而企业是否对此认知一致,本文运用面访探索企业经营现况,从问项设计情境中了解企业是如何规划管理与实践其商务活动,其中各题项系以“企业架构”方法实施功效为设计核心,并作为企业经营管理自我检视量表,据以推论“企业架构”方法是否能协助企业改善经营质量及提升竞争力。同时本文尝试提出一种新问卷设计及分析方法,由受访者对问项之认知重要、重要性评价,到与其所属单位吻合程度,探索受访者单位经营情境,再运用数据探勘手段简化问项,加速识别“企业架构”是否对企业有所帮助,以便有效优先辅导合适企业升级。
Abstract: Enterprises have encountered challenges from many aspects during current economic slow recovery moment; therefore, the business strategic planning needs to be more sensitive to and cope with the external socioeconomic changes. To encompass the direction of business transformation sufficiently, the enterprise requires multidisciplinary executives to speed up the process effectively. In order to explore the enterprises’ current daily business management situations, this paper designed the questionnaire based upon the perceived outcome of Enterprise Architecture and in the form of scenarios from daily business activities. Such a questionnaire can be applied as a tool of self-measurement to remind and understand where the enterprise competiveness is. Through this questionnaire, this paper posits that Enterprise Architecture can help those fitted organizations to enhance their quality of management and the competiveness as well. This paper also presents a novel survey design to explore the respondent perceptions and the addressed scenario fitness to their organizations by pointing out the important factors and giving the weight of importance. Lastly, by applying the methods of Data Mining, to reduce the items of questionnaire, this paper suggests few important questions that can help the promoters of Enterprise Architecture to identify their potential organizations who can be benefitted from the implementation of Enterprise Architecture conveniently. Consequently, these organizations level up their competence to reposition themselves to more competitive market place.
文章引用:李智. 探索企业跨领域高阶策略人才需求——企业架构实践推手[J]. 管理科学与工程, 2014, 3(1): 22-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MSE.2014.31004


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