Survey Analysis of the Blind Spot of A-Pillar
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2013.23040, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,166  浏览: 10,296  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈焙媛*, 林汉卿, 蔡国隆:国立台北科技大学车辆工程系,台北;侯静芳:元培科技大学企业管理系,新竹;魏宏源:金属研究发展中心,台北
关键词: A柱盲点人因工程问卷调查Blind Spot A-Pillar; Human Factor Engineering; Survey Analysis
摘要: 针对市面上车辆,对于车辆前柱(A-Pillar)盲点一直是各大车厂所研究方向之一,本论文将决定驾驶者环境,提出基于车辆前柱(A-Pillar)盲点评估方法,首先过滤车祸事故分析调查,将可能为车辆前柱盲点所造成之车祸事故过滤并加以筛选,并分析造成事故的主要参数,其调查方向主要为一般型自小客车,其次建立人因工程模型,透过问卷调查分析增加现实环境中车辆前柱(A-Pillar)视野评估。
Abstract: According to the automotive market, blind spot of A-Pillar is one of the research directions. In this paper we will determine the drive’s environment, recommend the evaluation method of the vehicle blind spot of A-Pillar. First we filter and screen what will be possible for the vehicle blind spots of A-Pillar caused by compact car accident, and analyze the important parameters, then through the survey analysis building Hu- man Factor Engineering model.
文章引用:陈焙媛, 林汉卿, 侯静芳, 蔡国隆, 魏宏源. A柱盲点的实务分析[J]. 交通技术, 2013, 2(3): 217-223. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2013.23040


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