On Lao-Tzu’s Humanitarian Concern
DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2013.11002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,955  浏览: 11,324  科研立项经费支持
作者: 宇汝松*:山东大学历史文化学院
关键词: 老子自然无为人道关怀返璞归真长生久视Lao-Tzu; Non-Interference; Humanitarian Concern; Returning to the Original Nature; Immortality and Eternity
摘要: 老子是最早建构人道理论体系和实行人道关怀的哲学家。老子人道关怀首先表现在理论上将人从自然万物中分离出来,确立人在宇宙中与本体之道等大同在的重要地位,赋予了人生从未享有的意义和庄严。在具体的人道实践中,老子通过政治上的无为而治、自身修养上的返璞归真以及解除生命困境的长生久视等途径,实现其人道的全面关怀。 Lao-Tzu was the first philosopher who created the humanity theory system and favored the humanitarian care in the history of Chinese thoughts. The prime performance of Lao-Tzu’s humanitarian concern was to separate the human being from the nature in theory, established the important position of Man in the universe, who was with the ontological Tao and was as large as the Tao, and endowed human’s life with unprecedented significance and solemn. In the specific humanitarian practice, Lao-Tzu carried out his comprehensive and in-depth care of humanity, by the way of governing by non-interference in politics, returning to the original nature in self-cultivation and enjoying immortality and eternity in freeing from the life predicament.
文章引用:宇汝松. 试论《老子》的人道关怀[J]. 历史学研究, 2013, 1(1): 13-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2013.11002


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